09 March 2010

A Sort of Confession

A Sort of Confession

Penny Days is about HAPPINESS. It's about finding it and creating it and living a life worth living. It's about the magic in every day life, the same magic we are often too busy or too absorbed or too blind or too confused or too sad or too anything else to see. It's about taking that feeling you get from reading an incredible piece of fiction and manifesting it into your real life. It's about how I am managing to do these things.

So now for my confession; I am not happy. I've been struggling with depression and anxiety for years and only recently have I begun to heal from these struggles. I don't intend to post entries that are simple ranting about my problems, nor do I wish to explain how my depression is not circumstantial (a fact I had to explain to my baby brother a month ago when I tried to confess to him that the medication I was on was just not working). He's twenty-one by the way and not so much a baby at all.

The reason I'm bringing this up is to come clean, so to speak. I have no interest in pretending I am someone I'm not, and I want to reflect that my hope for this blog is that it motivates me to find happiness and to be happy and to create magic and love every day. I also hope you'll join me on this journey and maybe even benefit yourself.


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