11 March 2010

You Ought To Love Your Job


You Ought to Love Your Job

It's hard, I know. The "daily grind" takes over, boring us while we pay pills, mow the lawn and struggle to find the energy to cook dinner. Suddenly it's months later and you feel as if you haven't accomplished anything except paying those bills and passing time. All of a sudden you're twenty-five (or older! insert your crisis age here) and you're paying school loans even though your current occupation has nothing to do with even attending college.

Or is it just me?

You find yourself dealing with the mythical (and yet very real) quarter-life crisis and you don't even have the money to buy that Harley like your dad did during his midlife.

You ought to love your job. Most people settle for misery because it is work. A paycheck is involved, this economy doesn't want you to work. I'll be the first to admit I don't love my job, but luckily I don't hate it. I've had my fair share of lying managers, drama filled co-workers and sexual harassment.

Despite all of this, (though luckily my current job lacks all of the aforementioned drama) there are moment while I'm at work that I feel very grateful for where I am. It has nothing to do with the paycheck (although I am also very grateful to have a job) or the benefits (again, I couldn't appreciate this more), the enjoyment I get from my job have everything to do with simple occurrences during the day.

Here are a few examples of those times during my day when I feel as if I absolutely love my job: when my manager is in a super good mood, when the bank buys is lunch, every time I finish reading a novel or a writing a blog entry, the house lunches I spend exploring downtown, extremely grateful customers, sweet old ladies, when a customer brings in hot chocolate, when I am able to finish drafting a letter or complete a Moleskine or make after-work plans with co-workers. We won a "display" contest for the current free gift and I absolutely love when amazing songs come on the work radio (it consists of the best combination of Elton John, Lady Gaga, Counting Crows and Plain White T's).

So here's the deal; forget for the moment about why you hate our job or what you'd rather be doing. Instead focus right now on what you love about your job, and let me know. I'd love to hear it.

1 comment:

  1. I love: Being able to get up and grab a cup of coffee or a snack, or take a stroll, or basically take a break, whenever I want; how everyone is always in a super awesome mood; how for the first time in my life I'm actually doing something that effects people and matters; I work with books (even if they are just boring paralegal books)!
