04 February 2010

The Miss List 01

I am extremely nostalgic to the point where if I begin to list aspects of life I miss or if I start to go through pictures I cannot stop myself. I miss places, people, songs, feelings, everything.

What I've decided to do is two things combined into what I will call the Miss List. First I am to list things I miss that I can reclaim and make changes toward reclaiming them. I plan to report updates on this as they happen.

Part two consists of listning current parts of my life that I know I will miss. This way I can learn to appreciate what I have right now. It's a hard thing to do, but it's absolutely necessary. So here goes.

Things I Miss That I Can Reclaim
taking pictures
livejournal communities
being healthy
looking good in picture

Things About Now That I Will Miss
reading at work
not paying rent
eating pizza daily
wondering WTF is going on with LOST
Trent at *two* years old
being 25
Kat as a teenager -- while she still has time to hang out
walking with Chance and Kat
cranberry bogs

I thought about adding another list, one that consists of aspects of my life that I will not miss once they are gone. It would be called Get Out Of My Life. But I decided to wait, such negativity can wait another day or so.

What do you miss that you can get back? What parts of your life right now do you know that you'll miss in the future?


  1. I miss posting bad writing on livejournal and having awesome girls read it who then become my best friends forever <3

    I miss the freedom of coming home from school every day and having what will happen in school the next day be my greatest worry

    I miss my dad's old house with its finished basement and hot tub and how I used to dance around there in costumes and make up stories.

    I miss dorm room living--I really do

    I MISS YOU! But I plan on reclaiming you.

  2. I miss being able to hop on my bike when I was upset and riding it to a place where I knew I would laugh.
    I miss feeling like I was "in" with people.
    I miss not needing to understand bills, healthcare, and taxes.
    I miss my pink and purple and blue and orange hair. (I do not miss my green hair.)
