01 February 2010

Radical Self Love

Dear February, we have never been friends. Though you've always been the shortest month, your days seem to stretch on forever. In grade school and high school we had "February vacation" a week away from school and even that break wasn't enough to make me feel any differently about February: It's the longest emotional month of the year. It's cold and dark and by the time February comes I'm so tired of winter I feel like I'm suffocating. My Valentine's days are always so lonely that I've taken to trying to ignore it the best I can. Punxsutawney Phil comes out February 2nd and usually tells us there will be six more weeks of winter. We all groan, which is ironic because spring doesn't actually start until almost seven weeks after.

Gala has decided to make February the month of Radical Self Love and I'm making this post in order to expression my support in her February project. I honestly thought her post was going to be about the physical aspect of Self Love, but I can't say I'm disappointed with the way she seems to be steering. My February is already filled with plans of visits. The BFF will be here next week, and Lorelle (of Pheonix Rising) is visiting the weekend after Valentine's day. This means that my month will automatically be busy, but I should come before all of this business. I am more important than that.

In the spirit of Radical Self Love, February, awesome friends and the excitement and anticipation I have for Spring, I plan to write and post more, eat healthier and try out some yoga. Expect to be updated, but in the mean time let me know: What do you think of Gala's idea? Isn't it time to love yourself?

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